Canvas Print

Your Favorite Photo Printed on Canvas and Stretched on Wooden Frame

Choose and Upload Your Photo   Choose Frame Thickness and Wrap Style   Enjoy Your Canvas

Custom made print on canvas is the Best Gift Ever (and inexpensive one). Sometimes we don’t know what kind of gift we should choose. Perfumes or books could save the problem but it’s a standard option.

Present a picture of the person printed on canvas and stretched on a frame; your gift definitely will be outstanding and grab attention of all people who see your gift.

Get you own high quality canvas print. We transform your favourite photos and pictures into artwork by printing them onto high quality fiber artist cotton canvas. Production time is 1 - 2 business days upon the art work approval.

We have many frame sizes to choose from (8in - 60in frame sizes).

Ask Us For a Quote if you don’t see the size you need in the price list chart below:

Wooden Frame Size Gallery Wrap
(Frame Depth)
In Inches
Price for Image Printed on Canvas (No Frame Included) Price for Image Printed and Stretched on Frame
In Inches In Centimeters
8x10 20x25 1.25 $15.00 $45.00
12x12 30x30 1.25 $16.00 $46.00
12x12 30x30 1.75 $17.00 $47.00
12x16 30x40 1.75 $19.00 $49.00
12x18 30x45 1.25 $20.00 $50.00
16x20 40x50 1.75 $22.00 $59.00
16x24 40x60 1.75 $24.00 $69.00
20x20 50x50 1.25 $25.00 $59.00
20x20 50x50 1.25 $25.00 $59.00
20x20 50x50 1.75 $26.00 $75.00
18x24 45x60 1.25 $27.00 $65.00
20x24 50x60 1.25 $28.00 $69.00
20x24 50x60 1.75 $29.00 $79.00
24x24 60x60 1.25 $31.00 $75.00
24x24 60x60 1.75 $33.00 $85.00
20x30 50x75 1.75 $35.00 $99.00
16x48 40x120 1.75 $44.00 $110.00
24x36 60x90 1.75 $47.00 $120.00
30x36 75x90 1.75 $60.00 $130.00
24x48 60x120 1.75 $65.00 $140.00
30x40 75x100 1.75 $66.00 $150.00
36x36 90x90 1.75 $71.00 $160.00
24x60 60x150 1.75 $79.00 $170.00
36x48 90x120 1.75 $91.00 $190.00
40x40 100x100 1.75 $85.00 $180.00
40x60 100x150 1.75 $122.00 $230.00
48x48 120x120 1.75 $130.00 $240.00
48x60 120x150 1.75 $144.00 $250.00

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: I have a canvas 100cm by 150 cm, I need it streched. Please provide me with the quote.


We use special auto stretch frame system to stretch canvas on frames. Our wooden frames have specific sizes listed in our price list.
150cm = 59in. Frame size is 60in (152.5cm) and canvas should have the size 64" (165cm). The smaller frame size we have is 48" which is much smaller than 60".
The other size could be 36" (91.5cm) and 4" + 4" will go to wrap a frame. So the problem is only with the longer size.
You can purchase 60"x36" frame for $100 but you have to make 60" frame 4" shorter (circular angle saw required).

To view our pricelist, please turn on JavaScript, or see our
static price list here.